Have you read this? This was my second time through and even though I liked it the first time, I definitely enjoyed it better this time round, mostly because I was already familiar with the multitude of characters that are all tied up this book. I keep going back and forth between which Dickens novel is my favorite, butI think Bleak House is in the top three now. I’m not saying Dickens is consistently fabulous, but when he’s good, he’s utterly excellent and he really does shine in this book. Everyone knows that he’s the king of writing memorable characters, but his use of setting is brilliant. For instance, his build up to revealing Krook’s death left me craving a shower.
The basis of the story is a disputed will and all the people that are connected to the case. It’s a scathing commentary on the legal system of the time (and arguably of the present) but because it’s Dickens, it also has romance, humor, tragedy, mystery, and laser-sharp wit. And yes, it manages a satisfying HEA — just not for everyone.
What’s your favorite Dickens’ novel?